Set Up Vaults

Vaults in Termius are end-to-end encrypted cloud storage for Hosts, Keys, Snippets, Port Forwarding rules, and Known Hosts. Vaults enable sync across devices and secure sharing across your team.
Your Termius account comes with two default vaults:
Team vault is created automatically once you invite your first teammate. This vault is shared with everyone on the team, enabling your team to manage infrastructure together.
Your Personal vault is for items not meant for the team's eyes, like credentials or test and work-in-progress servers.
Create additional vaults when your company requires granular permissions and separate access to information across users. Vaults allow you to separate data and decide who from your team can access it.
For example, a SaaS product company has dedicated DevOps, Developers, and QA teams, each with a different access level to infrastructure. The company uses vaults in Termius to separate Production, Development, and Staging environments. DevOps has access to all three. Developers can access Staging and Dev, while QA can only access Staging. For more examples and ideas on organizing your vaults, read this article.

To set up a new vault, follow the instructions:
In the Termius app, create a vault and give it an explicit name.
Select teammates you want to collaborate with in this vault.
Import your hosts using one of the available methods:
Import from CSV, ~/.ssh_config, PuTTY, SecureCRT, MobaXTerm.