
Termius - Vault

Vaults in Termius are end-to-end encrypted cloud storage for hosts, keys, snippets, port forwarding rules, and known hosts. Vaults enable sync across devices and secure sharing across your team.

Vault Types

Your Termius account comes with two default vaults for convenience:

  • Team vault is created automatically once you invite your first teammate. This vault is shared with everyone on the team, enabling your team to manage infrastructure together.

  • Your Personal vault is for items not meant for the team's eyes, such as credentials or test and work-in-progress servers.

Create additional vaults when you need granular permissions and separate access to information across different users. Vaults allow you to separate data and decide who from your team can access it.

Note: Additional vaults are only available in the Business plan.

Credential Sharing

Credential mode is set on the host level. You can share credentials or require your teammates to provide their own, depending on your use case.

Share credentials. When adding or moving hosts to a vault shared with team members, select an option to save credentials in that vault. Credentials stored in the vault allow all team members with access to the vault to connect with one click.

Don't share credentials. Select the option to keep credentials in the Personal vault. Team members will connect with one click using credentials from their Personal vaults.

Moving Data Between Vaults

Termius requires all linked entities to be stored in the same vault. This means all the hosts from the host chain, startup snippets, port forwarding rules, etc., should be moved along with the host to ensure team members have the same experience. The only exception is credentials, which you can keep in the Personal vault.

Termius helps you with data consistency when moving data with dependencies, offering to move or unlink linked entities.

Granular Permissions

Team vault is shared with the entire team. Everything you move into the Team vault is instantly available to all team members across all their devices. For granular access control, create additional vaults. This way, only the right people have access.

Each vault, except the Personal one, can have its access permissions for members:

  • Editors: Can create, update, and remove data.

  • Viewers: Can view data, connect to hosts, and use snippets but cannot make changes.

Sharing Data With a Single Person

Sometimes, you need to share a single host with just one person, like a contractor. While you can't share a single host directly, you can create a new vault just for that. Move the host there, add a contractor to that vault, and remove it when done. It keeps things secure and simple.

Note: Additional vaults are only available in the Business plan.


Vaults provide the most secure way to share sensitive information across the team. Each vault is encrypted with a unique encryption key so only you and your team can access its content. For more information about encryption and security, read this article here.