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Feb 25, 2025
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Automate host creation in your vaults with Ansible

Automate host creation in your vaults with Ansible

Automate host creation in your vaults with Ansible

Automate host creation in your vaults with Ansible

Keeping vaults updated in a dynamic environment with frequent infrastructure changes can be tedious, especially when provision and deprovision are automated. Manual updates are time-consuming and often lead to errors while copy-pasting. This problem grows once everything else is automated.

We’re excited to introduce Termius integration with Ansible. With just a simple playbook, you can automate the import of hosts and groups, ensuring your vault always reflects the latest infrastructure changes. Let's get started with the setup!

Setup Integration

Step 1: Setup API Bridge

To automate host creation with Ansible, first set up Termius API Bridge. Since all the data in your Termius vaults is end-to-end encrypted, we can't provide an API Endpoint that will accept plain text data. API Bridge is a Docker container that you host in your environment. This container provides a REST API that accepts information about your infrastructure, encrypts it locally, and pushes data to your Termius Vault.

Step 2: Install Ansible Role

Once API Bridge is running, install Termius Ansible role from Ansible Galaxy using the command:

ansible-galaxy install termius.termius

Step 3: Modify Your Provisioning Playbook

To create a new host in Termius vault, add the role to your provisioning playbook. When you run the playbook, newly provisioned machines will appear in your Termius Vault.

- name: Import Inventory To Termius
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    - role: termius
        api_url: <

Replace API_BRIDGE_URL with the address where API Bridge Docker container is running.

Step 4: Modify Your Deprovisioning Playbook

To keep your vault updated when shutting down unused machines, add Termius role at the end of your deprovisioning playbook to remove unused hosts automatically:

- name: Delete host from Termius
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    - include_role:
        name: termius
        tasks_from: delete_termius_host.ansible.yml
	        api_url: <

Need help?

Explore the Termius role and API Bridge documentation for comprehensive examples and detailed information. If you face any challenges or want to share feedback, please contact us for assistance.